What is qualitative market research?
We come from the world of qualitative market research.
What’s that? Well, sometimes companies want to know what’s on the minds - and in the culture - of the people who use or might use their products. Without speaking to people and getting a more in-depth understanding of their thoughts and behaviors, companies would not be able to improve their products, make new products that suit people’s real needs, or market their products in a way that really speaks to people. Companies will often find ways to talk to consumers - or sometimes hire market researchers to do so - in order to explore these sorts of questions.
Focus groups are the best-known qualitative market research methodology. There are many others: taste tests, in-depth interviews, diaries (for example, write about your experience using olive oil or a new soap every day for a week)… we have even done drive-alongs, involving going on a long drive with people who drive a certain car to better understand what they like about that car, and how to improve the way the car company advertises that car.
These days, qualitative market research is happening more and more online. As digital communication technologies have improved, it becomes less necessary to gather people together in person to have the sorts of conversations that a focus group can facilitate. This is especially true with the COVID-19 pandemic underway.
We find people to participate in qualitative market research - mostly online, though sometimes in person. Participants get paid to take part. Payments can range from $10 (for a simple survey) to up to $300 (for a two-hour-long in-depth videochat interview), depending on the project and the work involved, as well as how specific a profile we’re looking to talk to.
Participating in market research studies is a great, easy, and usually fun way to make some extra money for simply sharing your thoughts! You don’t need to be an expert - in fact, companies generally prefer to hear from regular people who might better represent a typical customer.
If you’re interested in taking part in some of these studies, simply click on this link and fill out the form to sign up. When we hear about studies that are looking for new participants, we’ll search in the database for the profile needed (age, gender, etc.), and then send you an email with some further questions to see if you qualify. Then, we’ll take it from there.